The End of My Rope

Here is my space to vent about all my daily drama. This is all about my five kids, my divorce experiences, my dream boat boyfriend, my experiences with school and all the things that happen in my day-to-day life. Well...I thought it was boring but....your reading it now right....must be appealing to you :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What if....

.....ever asked yourself that question? Of course you had. What if I didn't marry Nate? That is one of the big ones I ask myself. We all do it. I have been doing alot of that lately. Not about Nate....about of a lot of other things. I have mom always said I was a slow learner.....that think about what if's...dwelling on the very unhealthy. These what if's have caused me to be unhappy with my see it as worse than it is. What the heck is wrong with me anyway? I am so lucky. Four beautiful children....a great boyfriend....not having to work right now...I live in America....I have a wonderful family and great friends....
anyway....I want to know....does anyone else do this? about what areas of your life and what have you done...if you stop it?


At 8:36 PM , Blogger karrlot said...

There's nothing wrong with playing "What if..?"

If you spend your life dwelling on it, regretting things you cant change, then that might cause problems. I always wonder "What if..?"

My favorite is "What if I hadnt moved to Kansas City?"

Another common one is "What if Crystal hadn't married Rob?"

Would Ainsley be here? Would crystal and I have been married?

What if my sister hadn't had an open bar at her wedding? Would Crystal and I gotten together?

Nothing wrong with what ifs?

Just dont live your life in the past.

At 4:59 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

Well the main what if about not marrying Nate would be that you would most likely not have these beautiful kids.

Plus it is better to remember that all of the choices that you have made in your life make you what you are now. I think you are a wonderful woman and great friend. I only wish we would have been able to get back in touch sooner. But that is where blogger came in.

If Crystal hadn't chosen to have a blog and given us both the address, we wouldn't have gotten blogs and been able to catch up.

The what if's can be fun in certain instances, like what if I won the lottery? What would I do with all of that money? Would I be generous to other people, or would I me stingy?

But like Joel said, when you dwell in the past and don't think of what you should do with the choices you have in front of you, you get stuck.

At 7:33 PM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

I love you both so much....the greatest thing about this blog stuff is that I get to learn so much about myself as well as so much about each of you....I never thought about your what if's Joel....but they are a big deal....and you are right blue....I am thankful for my kids and wouldn't change it.

At 11:20 AM , Blogger karrlot said...

But, there are also times when everything is screwed up and you can't help saying "What if I never would have had all these damn kids?" "How much better would my life be if I didn't have all this crap to deal with?" "What have I gotten myself into?"

We all have those times, too....

If those questions are in your mind more often than not, you need to go get some help. Sometimes professionals can help you change your perspective on your own life.


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