The End of My Rope

Here is my space to vent about all my daily drama. This is all about my five kids, my divorce experiences, my dream boat boyfriend, my experiences with school and all the things that happen in my day-to-day life. Well...I thought it was boring but....your reading it now right....must be appealing to you :)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Tick tock....

....I feel like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. I am late...always late...for something important. As I rush head long into another birthday (yippee freaking skippy) and I take stock of my life, I realize that there really isn't much that I do for myself. I am always doing things for others.
Like this blog for instance. I did this blog for me...because I wanted to....and see...I barely ever get on here anymore. I am seriously bitter and angry. And what is sad is...there is just no way of fixing this shit. I am always going to be doing things for everyone else and not myself. I am a mom and that is what we do.
And what is terribly sad is...I think the people that I do all the things for take me for granted and don't realize how much I do for them.
Even sad....and happier and twelve other things wrapped up together is....this my year anniversary of my divorce. I thought I would be a whole lot further in my life than this.


At 12:30 AM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

Unfortunately you can't really change the day that you got divorced. But I thought that was a good thing that happened in your life. So be happy, plus you now have dreamboat.

As far as the kid stuff is concerned, you have to take some time away from them or you will be no good to them. You can't always give, or else there will be nothing left and you will just feel resentful. So go take a short walk around the block. Or take a bath and lock the door.

You will have to try small things like that or everyone will drive you crazy. And that doesn't do anyone any good at all.

Plus I am trying to make plans to come down and visit. I talked to another friend of mine down there, but she has extra people living with her at the moment. She said next month will be better.

But if I just can't line up a place to stay overnight I will just come down for the day and then come back another time to visit again. But I swear it will be within the next 3 weeks. Because i can't take it anymore. I need to visit the springs.

So now you have something to look forward to. Let me know what would be good for you.

I love you and miss you and can''t wait to see you.

At 9:55 PM , Blogger revhipchick said...


i'm so sorry i wasn't around to get your calls tonight!

remember the saying "when momma ain't happy, taint nobody happy!"
blue is onto have to take time for yourself or you'll end up losing it...completely!

yes, you are right. those we do the most for usually appreciate it the least. but what else are we gonna do? we did and do the same thign to those who do the most for us. we should try not to, but it will happen at least once or twice.

i hope you are out having a lovely time!

i'll keep trying to call you back!

love and miss you!


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