The End of My Rope

Here is my space to vent about all my daily drama. This is all about my five kids, my divorce experiences, my dream boat boyfriend, my experiences with school and all the things that happen in my day-to-day life. Well...I thought it was boring but....your reading it now right....must be appealing to you :)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

typical Sunday....

....just sitting here putzing along on the internet and had an idea for a post come to me.
There are things that I love and things that I hate on Sundays. See if you share my thoughts.
It's Sunday....your supposed to be lazy.
But Monday is right around the corner.
Big meals are a Sunday staple.
Cooking big meals is a pain.
All the kids in the neighbor hood are home to keep my munchkins occupied.
After they play outside, my kids have to have a bath which takes away from my lazy time.
Sunday always seems like the best day to work on projects....repotting plants, painting shelves etc.
Sunday always seems like the best day to work on projects....repotting plants,
painting shelves etc.
The Sunday Paper
Sunday TV
...all that I can think of for now.
Question of the day
Why am I screwing around on this computer instead of playing with my man and kids?
Bye bye


At 3:53 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

You defintely have a point. Why don't we have a better way to break it up so that some of it is fun and some of it is lazy time. Oh yeah, that's why we have Saturday.


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