The End of My Rope

Here is my space to vent about all my daily drama. This is all about my five kids, my divorce experiences, my dream boat boyfriend, my experiences with school and all the things that happen in my day-to-day life. Well...I thought it was boring but....your reading it now right....must be appealing to you :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

so much better now....

....he's home. Life is SO much better. I didn't even realize just how much I missed him until he was here. So...this is going to be short and sweet and to the point...since I have so much time to make up for:)
I am curious about something so I am going to have you guys give me an answer instead of me talking and talking.
What do you know about handfasting?


At 1:02 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

I actually know quite a bit about handfasting. That is the kind of ceremony my husband and I had before we got married for a commitment to each other. Then we did it agian for real 4 years ago.

There is a lot of info on the net as well as Celebration store in Colorado City. Plus I kept all of the paperwork, vows and stuff, from both of my ceremonies. And of course since I have an abundance of friends that are ministers. One of them still lives in the Springs, she is the one who married us.
And the fact that I am wiccan and have a few books with the subject in them.
So ask me what you will. But if you are planning on doing it, I would say pick a day that is meaningful for you. Not necessarily a weekend unless that is the only time when your family and friends can attend. Or it can be a very simple thing that just the two of you do to help bind your love.

But the basics include candles and clearing sacred space. Calling to the directions( North, South, East, and West). Having a cord to wrap around your hands to bind you. And having vows to say to one another that have meaning for the both of you.

I liked the fact that you can pretty much write your own ceremony. Or you can get one straight out of a book. And you know the saying " Tie the Knot" that is where it comes from.

At 10:42 PM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

Holy crap I really think your cool. I can't believe that you have done this. I have found barely anything at all on-line. I must be looking in the wrong places. When I mentioned this to Brian months ago, he was ALL for it. We are both of Celtic decent and think it would be wonderful to do.
As far as the date is concerned...we have been kicking around the idea of around our anniversary...which coinsidentally is Halloween. Since what I have read says it is to be a year and a day...or whatever you choice but we like the year and a we were thinking about making it so the actual handfasting be either on Halloween or two days before and then get actually married on Halloween.
I am so excited that you know about this stuff. Whatever help you can give would be lovely. I already was wishing you lived close so we could hang out some but now I wish you were here becasue I would LOVE to look at all your stuff.
I read about the tying the knot thing...which I think is so cool that all of that comes from handfasting...I actually have loved the idea all the way back from when I was reading bodice-ripping romance novels and one of them had it mentioned.
Brian and I have even talked about doing a blog that goes through the whole ordeal step-by-step. I think if we were to do that, that if our family and friends looked at the blog once in awhile, they would learn somethings about it. I feel like if we just invite everyone and don't explain, they will be VERY confused and not really know whats going on. Do you/can you have other people involved like they have brides maids and stuff?
I just can't wait to talk about this. YOU ROCK

At 1:05 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

Of course you can have bridesmaids/handmaidens. It is a lot like a traditional wedding since that is where weddings from Europe came from. It is all basically a big promise to each other. You can make your day as simple or as elaborate as you want. It is usually for a year and a day. But you would also have to take into account if it is going to be a leap year, if you want your actual wedding day to be on Halloween.

I think a blog just about the handfasting/wedding would be a fantastic idea. Plus you would be able to explain it to others. Not just your family and friends. My actual wedding was pretty much a handfasting with a couple of Bible verses thrown in from friends and family. I didn't really explain it to everyone either. My grandparents were a little lost. And so were some of my friends and family that were not used to this kind of thing.

Since it will be your ceremony you can add or delete any of the the traditional Christian aspects of a wedding or handfasting.

If you need a minister my friend that did mine still lives in the Springs. Try looking up information about handfastings through wicca websites or just google the words. I will try to find some of the info I had before. Maybe I can find a website or two.

At 3:23 PM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

That would be SO cool. And I would love the name of your minister friend as well. Woman or man?

At 7:03 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

She is a woman and she specializes in Native American ceremonies and Metaphysical studies. Her name is Ciewantu (pronaunced S-wan-ta). I haven't talked to her in a few months. But I am sure I could look her up.

At 11:08 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

Here are some web addresses to check out.

This is just a few. There are so many out there right now. And you can make any type of ceremony. If you have an idea of what you want, let me know. I can help out a lot. I can find specific web sites and places for you to find a dress, rings, a place to have the ceremony and the actually ceremony ritual. I will just need some info from you to get things started.

I actually love to plan weddings and such so it will be fun. And Halloween being my favorite day of the whole year, Yippee!! I will be looking for stuff for you all the time.

At 11:32 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

This last site is one of my favorites. It is the site for WitchVox. It will have a lot of leads for the information you are looking for.

Good luck.

At 3:12 PM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

thank you so the days to come, I will be checking out these sites.....your great


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