The End of My Rope

Here is my space to vent about all my daily drama. This is all about my five kids, my divorce experiences, my dream boat boyfriend, my experiences with school and all the things that happen in my day-to-day life. Well...I thought it was boring but....your reading it now right....must be appealing to you :)

Monday, June 26, 2006

The system

So...when I refer to the system...I am making a general statement concerning law enforcement, foster care, courts, judges etc. And please watch out...I am pissed and on my soap box...Read ahead at your own risk
This is bullshit. Just bullshit. I am a product of this SYSTEM....I was screwed over so many time it's not even funny. Abusive foster parents....and advicate that talked bad about me behind my back to the point of being fired, bad judge decision, lie upon lie, just bullshit. And now as an adult and a tax payer I have to put up with MORE bullshit.
Dreamboat messed up...and this I understand. There has to be punishments for when you mess up. It's the law and that is fine with me. But...this is crap.
He has been on work release...the whole point of that is to KEEP your job. So you can pay them their 17 bucks a day. And then they turn around and do EVERYTHING they can to make sure you lose your job.
He had to work at 11am today. Had to go get this freaking ankle thing at 2. Has to be signed out of the first place by 1:30...we end up running a LITTLE late because of his job. We get to this ankle bracelet place and we are there from 2 to like 5:15 or 5:30. WHAT THE FUCK? Don't you guys want your freaking money. Oh doesn't matter to you guys since we already had to pay you before we left.
He's a good guy that made a mistake. We ALL do it. I did hideous things when I was teenager. Just awful. I never got half this crap. And why? Because there isn't any money in it. They can't charge me a bunch of money and jerk me around for months. The only time the foster care system paid enought attention to me was when I was imancipatted (yikes....dont' know how to spell that) and that was becase they were giving me money every month...that my mother had to pay back...and so they want to check on me and such.
I am SO mad. He gets to work and they are all weird. Big boss man (who's one of the worst kind of assholes...the kind that enjoy it since they have power and all) is gone. They tell him they don't know if they need him anymore today. That never happens. They ALWAYS need him. So he thinks they are going to fire him tomorrow. Thanks alot cops and judges and every other freaking person in the system
This anger goes back so far... I don't even know when it started. Probably the first time I "tricked" my foster agencie into admitting I didn't need meds. I knew I didn't need them. So I was on my best behavior and TOLD them I was taking them. They praised me and stuff and about two months later I tell them the truth. They wouldn't listen any other way then that. So, I got punished. Big time. WHAT? I proved you wrong and now you want to punish me? Thanks.
Or it could be the year or so that they took everyone I loved and cared about in the same agency out of my life one at a time because they CARED too much. God forbid. We don't want these kids having someone that cares about them.
Or it could be the time that Nate (my ex-husband) and I had a big fight at the doctors office and I called the police. I (I know...stupid but I was trying to do what was right for my unborn kid) decided after a lot of fighting and discussing to stay with him. What does the SYSTEM do? They charge him an arm and a leg...that we don't have to spair...for his sentence. Now....lets think about this? The MAIN reason that couples fight these days is....ta da, MONEY. So...lets take a man and a woman, who have now had a DV call and lets...take away all their money. Lets see if they get along after that.
Or it could be last year when, because I had a prior charge that I actually DID, my ex-husband decides to tell the cops I hit him to teach me a lesson because I was having an affair. SO, I spend a night in jail and almost get my butt kicked in there becasue I snore. Terrifeid and lonely and scared. Yeah... I deserved that. Since I did something bad before...I must have this time. RIGHT?
I have had it with this shit. I am over it big time. People are NOT guilty all the time. Just because you screw up once doesn't make you Satan. It makes you freaking human. And I am so tired of me or loved ones or friends being treated like convicts when they make a mistake. It happens to all of us. I would love to know all the things that all the people dreamboat has come into contact with in these last days that are in a position of power have done? You never did drugs judge? You never drove after you drank cop? BULLSHIT. It happens. To everyone.
I told my friend hip chick that I just can't sit around and complain about this....I have to do something. But even though I still plan to...I can complain. I am a product of this stuff. I lived this life for so long. This is why I had a TERRIBLE time with lying up until awhile ago. They all me...all the time....why cant' I? It's easier right.
He's a good man.....doesn't deserve to be treated like a crystal dealer who sold some to a 5th grader. Which btw, happens often. People are being murdered and raped in this country. The things I hear that have been happening to our little kids lately....its frightening. FIND THE REAL FREAKING CRIMINALS in this country and stop being so damn harsh to people that make ONE mistake.
Sigh....sorry but....It had to be said.


At 9:07 PM , Blogger revhipchick said...

i don't think i can offer anything really positive.

it's a sad system because people go in with the best of intentions (many do anyway) and wanting to change things for the better. not to be assholes on power trips and such.

some have stayed open and optimistic and gotten so totally hosed over, heard every last story, they can't possibly know who tells the truth or and many end up treating everyone like shit.

i don't know what the answers are.

it's hard trying to find a happy medium but i know a few that have managed to do so. and i know many that haven't. a good friend of mine is a social worker and we just don't talk about her work because i hate listening to how she talks about people.

i've reminded her numerously about what it's like to sit across on the other side of the desk and she listens but she's been doing it too long and since she only has a few years left to retire she stays. i understand why she stays, i also understand why she needs to get a different job. she's a lovely person, sweet and caring, but she's human too.

it sucks all the way around, both sides (and i have experience on both as well). as far as the dv stuff goes...well, it's a fair bit more complex than couples just struggling over money.there's a lot of societal stuff that is filtering down in and outside of the system. mistakes are one thing, repetitive behaviors are vastly different (i'm not thinking of dreamboat here).

it certainly does suck.

At 9:25 PM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

you know sweetie...I just love you to pieces. You were the best thing that ever happened to me in the system. No bullshit. You never were any of those things to me and there were times that you were the only thing keeping me from running or dying or...whatever. Love ya tons

At 9:29 AM , Blogger revhipchick said...

you are too sweet. i think you give me too much credit. you were and continue to be quite a powerhouse all on your own. i think you just might make a great social worker

At 10:32 AM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said... had me at hello. You made me cry a little. Good job. You were a wonderful force in my life and continue to be and you don't get NEARLY the credit you deserve and that is the truth.


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