The End of My Rope

Here is my space to vent about all my daily drama. This is all about my five kids, my divorce experiences, my dream boat boyfriend, my experiences with school and all the things that happen in my day-to-day life. Well...I thought it was boring but....your reading it now right....must be appealing to you :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Life is pain highness....

....and anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.
Got to love the Princess Bride.
So, I was all computer, finally on-line, it's the summer etc and now I find out today that dream boat has to do work release for 30 days. Don't run away from your legal problems folks.....they will come back to bite you in the butt.
The worst thing is the realization of all the things you will miss for that long. No kisses, no hugs, no gorgeous body in the bed at night....things like that. I feel like an awful traitor, taking for granted the things that I have everyday. Is this God's way of having me not focus on the negative but to appreciate the positive? Why do we as humans not care about things enough until we lose them.....or they are sent to crappy jail for thirty days.
Oh excuse now not to catch up with friends, the house, my school work and all the books I said I needed to read.
question of the day....
Why is it that when I want to find socks for myself....I only find the kids and dream boats but when I have to leave RIGHT NOW and one 2 year old needs socks....all I find are my socks?
Is this some sort of sock Karma?


At 11:59 AM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

Don't you know there are sock elves in everyones houses and they like to mess with our heads. How else do we lose socks when we wash them?

At 6:06 PM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

do you think they are related to the key and brush elves? because I think they are like breding at my house....either that or I am forgetful and disorganized...and that can't be it, right

At 9:33 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

Oh yes there are many different kinds of elves, they all steal our stuff and hide it. Although I am pretty good at hide and seek.

At 7:58 AM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

I would like to find some elf repellant you know where I can locate that?

At 12:24 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

Unfortunately no. And with 4 wee ones in the house I would be asking them where your stuff is.

At 5:53 PM , Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

I ask them all the time....the problem is since there are so many of them.....they just blame it on each other

At 11:01 PM , Blogger BlueGoddess said...

I bet if you could see the elves, they would do the same thing.


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